Here is a list of projects that we are working on right now. There are pictures of some of our work if you scroll down, and also some instructions for pillow cases, beads of courage bags and placemats.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Interfaith Works
They would like twin size quilts
McMahon Ryan Advocacy Center
These are being collected by Deb Libera. They go to abused children and teens that come into the center for help. Below are suggested sizes. Any kind of blanket or quilt is welcome. Soft flannel or fleece backing is requested. Their website is McMahon Ryan
infant -age 6—36” by 36” age 7-12—36”by 42” age 13 -18—42” by 48”
quilts for Honor Flight honorees
40"x 60" These quilts are given to honor flight attendees as the land at the airport. If you ever get a chance to see a flight come in, it’s quite an emotional moment. The quilts need to be red white and blue and 40” by 60”. Batting is OK, or just a flannel backing. Deb Libera is collecting these.
Beads of Courage Bags-
Beads of courage are given to children and teens with serious illnesses to honor their courage and strength. The bags we make will hold the collected beads. Scroll to find instructions for the bags. Mary Ellen Pettit has the labels that go on the bags, and is collecting them to send to the national organization, or to Golisano Children’s Hospital when they request them. Here is their website: Beads of Courage
We made 90 dog and cat beds at our October friendship meeting.
17 Quilts went to the McMahon Ryan Advocacy Center.
Honor Flight October 2016
Our guild donated 15 quilts to be given to honorees when they came back from their flights. A few of our members were on hand to help distribute them. It was an emotional moment for all involved.

Francis House Donations
We recently donated 13 quilts to Francis House for their charity event in October.

Doll Day 2015
We always enjoy doll day. Who can resist playing with dolls especially when it's for a good cause?
Honor Flight Quilts
These are a few of over 30 quilts that we have made for Honor Flight honorees, shown at our annual picnic.
Doll Day 2014
Every year during one of our friendship meetings, the guild gets together to make dolls for children in our local hospitals.
The community service coordinators are taking donations of muslin, flannel and batting for lap robes and Honor Flight quilts
laprobes for nursing homes
We aren’t making these now, but Linda has suggested making wall quilts and other sewn items that can be sold at fund raisers in some of the homes.
French Seam Pillowcase -These are given to a local children’s center
There is an excellent tutorial for this process on this website:
Supplies: *3/4 yd of main fabric *1/4 yd of contrasting fabric for cuff *1/8 yd fabric or 40" ribbon, lace, etc. for accent (optional)
Directions: 1. Cutting: *main fabric: 27" x 40" *cuff fabric: 9" x 40" * accent: 3" x 40" If using an accent fabric, follow steps 2 & 3, otherwise skip ahead to step 4.
2. Press the accent fabric wrong sides together to create a 1 and 1/2"by 40" piece.
3. Pin the accent to the main fabric (right side) along the 40" side, matching raw edges.
4. Pin the long sides of the cuff fabric to the main fabric, right sides together. Sew a scant 1/4" seam through all of the layers.
5. Roll the long layer of the main pillow fabric, wrong side up, until you have all the fabric in a long tube at the top of the attached fabrics. Bring unsewn edge of cuff over the long tube of fabric to the sewn edge, matching raw edges, and pin. Sew together in a slightly larger 1/4" seam. Be very careful not to catch the main pillow fabric in this seam!
6. Turn right side out. Yes it will come though! Just pull gently.
7 Lay flat and press.
8. Fold pillowcase with WRONG sides together. Even up edges if needed. Pin and sew with a scant 1/4" seam.
9. Turn the pillowcase wrong side out. Press. Sew together using a slightly larger 1/4" seam. Turn and enjoy!
10. Stitch down the edge of the trim if desired.
Beads of Courage Bags
Cut: focus fabric two 9 " x 12"
lining fabric two 9" x 12"
ribbon or cording for drawstrings two 26" lengths
1. Sew a Beads of Courage label on the outside of one piece of the focus fabric, in the lower right corner or in the middle.
2. With the focus fabric, right sides together, sew 1/2" seams on both long sides. Do the same with the lining. Press the seams open on both.
3. Turn the lining right side out and place it inside the focus fabric, lining up the seams of the tubes. (right sides will be facing)
4. Sew a 1/4" seam around the top of the tube. (See how you placed the label to determine the top of the bag)
5. Tuck the lining back inside the tube and press the top seam flat.
6. Topstitch 2" around the top of the bag, then 2 and 3/4" from the top, to make the drawstring channel. Backstitch at the side seams.
7.Turn the fabric inside out, press the bottom flat, with seams at the sides. Stitch across the bottom of the bag. Serge or zigzag over the seam.
8. Turn right side out. At the side seams, rip out a few stitches in the small channel to make openings for the drawstrings.
9. Thread one drawstring from one opening all the way around and tie the ends together. Do the same thing with the other drawstring from the other side.
Easy Strippy Placemats
Cut: (11) 2" x 12 and 1/2" strips (front) (1) 12 and 1/2" x 16 and 1/2" (back) (1) 12 and 1/2" x 16 and 1/2" thin batting or stabilizer Sew strips together and trim to 12 and 1/2" x 16 and 1/2". Place front and back right sides together. Place batting on top. Stitch around outside with a 1/4" seam allowance, leave a 4" opening on the short side. Turn inside out and whip stitch the opening closed. Stitch in the ditch on all strips or stipple the entire front of placemat. Top stitch around outside edge of placemat.
Making a sleeve for a quilt Cut the fabric 9 inches by the width of the quilt. Fold the 9 inch ends in 1/4 inch twice, and sew to make a hem. Sew the long sides with wrong sides facing. Press seam open and center the seam in the middle of the sleeve. Center the sleeve on the back of the quilt with the seam against the quilt back, about 1 inch from the top. Pin and hand sew in place along both long edges and along the quilt side of the short edges.